All Completed projects Posts

VR Data Mapper

VR Data Mapper At Bitcamp 2015 my team worked to find a way to best display open source data from the DC government using VR technology. This project allows a user to observe a map of Washington DC’s wards through an Oculus rift and display a number of geographically impacted datasets on the map. By using the Leap Motion, we were able to integrate hand gestures and sophisticated menus, simplifying complex operations and allowing users to focus on exploring the data before them.


Tea Pi

Tea Pi As a huge tea aficionado, it makes sense that one of my first hardware projects was to #buildabetterteapot. Tea Pi began as a project worked on between classes in my freshman year dormitory at Georgetown. Although the assorted wires, inept soldering, and endless sessions of me yelling at a e-cycled web camera to get voice-controls to work may have unnerved my roommate, the end result was well worth it.